Celebrating Women Authors Since 1982

Navigable Waterways, by author Pamela Alexander
Pamela Alexander, author of Navigable Waterways

Pamela Alexander

Pamela Alexander’s first collection of poems, Navigable Waterways, will be published this Spring, and is distinguished as the winner of the Yale Younger Poets Prize of 1984.

Visit Pamela Alexander’s website ›
Stones for Ibarra, by author Harriet Doerr
Harriet Doerr, author of Stones for Ibarra

Harriet Doerr

Harriet Doerr, whose Stones for Ibarra, on the best seller lists for months this year, was nominated for the Los Angeles Times Fiction Award and the National Book Award for a first novel. With her first book published when she was 73, Mrs. Doerr provides a sparkling example to those faced with the challenge of crossing new borders.

The Hemingway Women, by author Bernice Kert
Bernice Kert, author of The Hemingway Women

Bernice Kert

Bernice Kert’s fascinating book, The Hemingway Women, is about Ernest Hemingway’s relationships with his mother, his four wives, and other women important to his life. Ten years in the researching and writing, this is Mrs. Kert’s first published book, and the welcome given it by critics and public alike has enabled her to know the joys of “sweet success at sixty.”

Tell Me a Riddle, by author Tillie Olsen
Tillie Olsen, author of Tell Me a Riddle

Tillie Olsen

Tillie Olsen, whose profound writing has earned her national literary awards and lectureships at leading universities, is said to have contributed a new form to American fiction with her classic Tell Me a Riddle. Her non-fiction work, Silences, inspired by a life of work and poverty, confronts the crucial relationships between circumstances and creativity. Yonnondio: From the Thirties was begun during the Great Depression, but not published until 1974.

Visit Tillie Olsen’s website ›
Romancing the Stone, by author Diane Thomas
Diane Thomas, author of Romancing the Stone

Diane Thomas

Diane Thomas….The success of Romancing the Stone turned this 33-year-old Long Beach screenwriter into Hollywood’s Cinderella of 1984. “Hollywood loves an overnight success, ” says Ms. Thomas, “but, as everyone knows, it’s never overnight.”

The Moths and Other Stories, by author Helena Maria Viramontes
Helena Maria Viramontes, author of The Moths and Other Stories

Helena Maria Viramontes

Helena Maria Viramontes, another prizewinner, brings a unique insight into Chicano Literature. Born in East Los Angeles, a lecturer and short story writer, her first book, The Moths and Other Stories, will be out this Spring.

Maternity, Morality and the Literature of Madness, by author Marilyn Yalom
Marilyn Yalom, author of Maternity, Morality and the Literature of Madness

Marilyn Yalom

Marilyn Yalom of Stanford’s Center for Research on Women, edited Women Writers of the West Coast, public dialogues and candid discussion of ten writers sharing “rare fragments of their life stories as well as insights into their writing techniques.” Dr. Yalom is also the author of Maternity, Morality and the Literature of Madness.